Click here to view the programme of session 4b

Sun Young Rha, medical oncologist, Yonsei Cancer Center, Seoul, Korea
Marije Slingerland, medical oncologist, LUMC, Leiden, The Netherlands

15:30 Renaissance and FLOT trials
Stefan Mönig, surgeon, Hopitaux Universitaires de Geneve, Switserland

15:50 Multimodal treatment clinical trials in Asia
Yeul Hong Kim, medical oncologist, Yuhan corporation, Seoul, Korea

16:10 Multimodal treatment in South America
Paulo Kassab, surgeon, Santa Casa of Sao Paulo Medical School, São Paulo, Brazil

16:30 Accepted oral abstract 02.2.18: AS versus CAPOX in postoperative chemotherapy for stage III gastric adenocarcinoma patients:survival and safety update
Pengfei Yu, Surgeon, Zhejiang Cancer Hospital, China

16.40 Accepted oral abstract 02.2.19: Induction chemotherapy and CRS+HIPEC versus palliative chemotherapy for peritoneal metastasized gastric cancer: a propensity-score-matched analysis
Richard van Hillegersberg, Surgeon, University Medical Center Utrecht, The Netherlands

16:50 Accepted oral abstract 02.2.20: Outcomes of gastric adenocarcinoma with positive peritoneal cytology: 10-year experience from a tertiary center
André Vale Guimarães, Resident, Instituto Português De Oncologia – Porto, Portugal

17:00 End of session

  • Parallel session 2

    Session 4b: Multimodality treatment

    Date: 09 May 2025Time: 15:30 - 17:00 CET